Key Principles
By following these key principles we believe that we can maximise the impact of our Pupil Premium spending:
High Expectations
Providing a culture where staff believe in all children and no excuses are made for underperformance. We will strive to overcome barriers to learning for pupils and give every individual the best possible chance of success.
High Profile
Providing a culture where staff believe in all children and no excuses are made for underperformance. We will strive to overcome barriers to learning for pupils and give every individual the best possible chance of success.
Early Intervention
We recognise that high quality early years provision with a strong emphasis upon developing early reading and number skills is crucial to all pupils, but particularly those who have experienced disadvantage in early life.
Inclusive Provision
We acknowledge that pupil premium pupils are not always socially disadvantaged and at risk of underachievement. Likewise, there are many pupils that we would consider to be vulnerable that are not in receipt of pupil premium funding and do not receive this additional funding.
High Quality Teaching and Learning
We recognise that the biggest factor in high standards of pupil attainment is high quality teaching and learning. We will continue to ensure that all pupils across the school receive at least good teaching with increasing percentages of outstanding teaching achieved across each year. We will ensure consistent application of key elements of teaching and learning such as planning, marking and assessment and carry out moderation activities to reinforce this. We give high priority to our appraisal systems for teachers and teaching assistants and ensure that high quality professional development is available to all staff. We use the Sutton Trust as a supportive document.
Emphasis on Basic Skills
We will concentrate our spending on achieving the highest possible standards in English and mathematics. This may be in the form of direct teaching and intervention or may be indirect through improving attendance, behaviour or access to resources and support. We place the highest Importance on the breadth of the curriculum. Pupils must access the very broadest opportunities.