PE and Sport Premium

The Curriculum

All pupils have access to a broad PE curriculum.  This is supplemented by a large range of enrichment activities.

The school holds an annual day of sport where specialist coaches come into to deliver a range of activities.

The school holds an annual village run where all pupils from year 2 upwards complete a cross country course around the village.  This is extremely well supported by the village community.


The school takes part in a range of inter and intra school competitions however the main aim is for pupils to improve their fitness, improve their competency and also ENJOY sport.

Dearham Primary School holds a sports day for all pupils from nursery upwards.


The school employs a specialist gymnastics teacher and all pupils from year 2 upwards have access to high quality gymnastics teaching.  Dearham Primary School consistently performs well in county gymnastics events.


The national curriculum requirements for swimming in Year 6 are that:

  • Children are able to carry out safe self rescue
  • Children can swim competently and efficiently over a distance of 25m.
  • Children can use a range of strokes.

At Dearham children undertake swimming lessons in a block of one week of lessons in the autumn term.

  • In the 2023-24 academic year 71% of children met this standard.
  • In the 2022 – 23 academic year 77.8% of the children met this standard.




Cross Country

The school holds a weekly cross country event for year 2 pupils onwards.  We have strong links with Netherhall Sports Centre.

Sports Funding

The sports funding this year is being used to:

  • Enhance our gymnastics provision.
  • Develop our inter school sports provision
  • Develop physical activity through forest school provision