
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility here at Dearham. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively we ensure a child-centred approach to safeguarding. This means that we consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.

Safeguarding includes the establishment and implementation of procedures to protect children from deliberate harm, however, safeguarding also encompasses all aspects of pupils’ health, safety and well-being.

Dearham Primary School is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all children in school and all our staff, governors and volunteers have Child Protection training. We are an Operation Encompass school which means we have direct links to and from the police regarding incidents of domestic violence.

As a school we always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents. We have an open door approach for parents to come and discuss with us their concerns and worries regarding their children. The school’s child protection policy is available publicly.

School is committed to Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of all of its pupils. Each pupil’s welfare is of paramount importance. We recognise that some children may be especially vulnerable to abuse e.g. those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (ref. KCSiE para 107), those living in adverse circumstances. We recognise that children who are abused or neglected may find it difficult to develop a sense of self-worth and to view the world in a positive way. Whilst at school, their behaviour may be challenging. We recognise that some children who have experienced abuse may harm others. We will always take a considered and sensitive approach in order that we can support all of our pupils.

Statement and policies

Keeping your children safe is everyone’s responsibility. On this page there is information about procedures in school and links to other useful information. We follow the regulations in this guidance to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your children.

Overarching Safeguarding Statement – Dearham Primary School Sept 2024

Child Protection Policy 24

Safeguarding Leaflet for Contractors & Visitors Sept 24

Victim Support Leaflet


Educate Against Hate Parents’ Information

Victim Support for Children and Young People

Victim Support Domestic Abuse -For Children and Young People

Our Safeguarding Team

Samantha Busigny– DSL
Emily Grima – Deputy DSL
Andrea Clayton – SENDCO
Rob Barton – Safeguarding Governor

NSPCC Helpline

The NSPCC is running a campaign called the Pants Campaign. Below is the link to the website which has lots of good ideas to use to talk to your child about keeping themselves safe.

Let’s talk pants

Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership

Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership provides information for professionals and parents on all matters to do with safeguarding children. Please follow the link below:


The world is a much smaller place thanks to the use of the internet and social media such as Facebook and Instagram. Children, even in primary schools, are accessing these apps, despite the legal age for having an account being 13.

We want to help you educate your child about the dangers of these sites as well as the positive they get from them. It is important children understand that although the person they are talking to online says they are an 11 year old girl interested in Little Mix and the Kardashians, they could just as easily be a predator ready to exploit your child. The information below is not intended to frighten you, it is to help you make sure your child is safe online.



For information, advice and support to keep children safe online click on the following link:

Train Local, Teach Local